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All Things Green Fair In-Person

The Nampa Public Library is hosting an All-Things Green Fair to highlight the importance of the environment and sustainability in coordination of Earth Day. This event is for local activists, educators and organizations to come together and provide opportunities for one another and to engage the community on various environmental concepts and resources within the Nampa community. There will be environmental programs occurring in the Multipurpose Rooms and booths throughout the lobby.

This event is free and anyone in the community can join in! Those who’d like can participate in the activity raffle: for those who engage in 12 activities (learning about booths, engaging in a program) will be entered in to a raffle to win a gift basket!

12-5 PM: 
Booth List: Adventure Alchemy Zines, Advocates for the West, Boise Department of Environmental Quality, College of Western Idaho, Idaho Rivers United, Idaho Office of Energy and Mineral Resources, Project Drawdown, Idaho Interfaith Power and Light, Citizens Climate Lobby, Conservation Voters of Idaho, Idaho Environmental Education Association, Boise Unitarian Universalist, Carbon Neutral Project, Vision 2C Resource Council . . . and more!

Multipurpose Room Events:

Friday, April 21, 2023
12:00pm - 5:00pm
Time Zone:
Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)
Multipurpose Room - Side A, Multipurpose Room - Side B
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